Wednesday 27 January 2016

Reason for some photos being out of line

This post is to explain the reasoning why some of the photos are presented on my blog along with some of the text in a scruffy manner. 
This blog in itself is a piece with the some of the photos being in line some being out of line all being different thoughts and snapshots in time. Some of them are off because when you suffer with a mental illness you never can quite organise what is happening and you get easily overwhelmed. This is why this is done on my blog is to represent this and to make my theme run not only through my annotations and my practical work but also in the way I present my annotations on my blog.
I feel it is a small element that helps just push that point further and is only a small detail but overall adds to the feel of the project as a whole.
While my final piece was the metaphorical interpretation of my mind my blog is my mind, my thoughts and feelings it's the more literal interpretation of what I was feeling and thinking at the time of me writing the annotations.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Frozen Synapse Interview

After doing the audio and getting it to a standard where I feel it helps the piece in creating an atmosphere. I decided to fully realise the piece, I need to explore the last avenue left in fine art, film. I've decided that I want to have a personal interview made about my final piece and the corridor where I have presentation my work as this will allow me to capture the essence of the room and corridor better than photography I feel also by doing this film it allows me to get really personal with the audience and further pushes this idea that I want these piece to be like an art piece you'd see in a gallery and further emphasis the 'personal' in personal investigation

After doing this interview I have decided that, I want to it film reactions from people that see the piece with a Go-Pro hidden in my room. Along with this I am also going to have a comments book so I can also have some quotes and comments from various people about what they think and what they're interpretation of the piece is, to not only see if I have encaptured the feeling of anxiety but whether or not the viewer understands what the piece is about.